Why you should start web developing on DigitalOcean right now.

Atanas Nikolov
Published in
3 min readJul 17, 2019

A plain-English explanation of DigitalOcean`s cool services.

Credits: Pexels.com, photographer: Kevin Ku.

If you are thinking of using DigitalOcean`s cloud services, you are probably well-versed in the field, oh and probably are a web developer. DigitalOcean provides builders of websites and applications to scale with ease and use a cost-efficient, meticulously structured cloud hosting. Their unique sales proposition is that, if you know what you are doing, you can benefit from an arsenal of very useful features.

So let’s break down some of these gems under the belt (or on the glove) of DigitalOcean:

Advanced Equipment — when comparing plane hardware, DigitalOcean surely has an advantage, because these guys are always striving to provide the best equipment for cloud hosting. They are doing so, because developers are looking out for these sort of things, like HEX Core machines with dedicated ECC Ram to complement the SSD. They claim that in just 55 seconds you will create a new SSD cloud server — actually is 52 seconds. Also, every plan comes with a 1Gb/sec network interface, with a starting 1TB transfer, cool, right? Also, let’s not forget that they have a couple of data centres around the globe, so you can choose where your stuff will be. And of course, one of the MVPs of DigitalOcean — their so-called Droplets.

What is a Droplet?

The easiest way of framing them is that they are virtual servers — a full-fledged, production machines that spin up lighting fast. DigitalOcean is giving you the ultimate move fast, break things and stay save tool, because the droplet can be created, on it software can be installed and tested then, the droplet is deleted. Or you can spin up a VM, install a new version of an application and destroy the old one. Sure, you can fire up a machine and keep it for as long as you need — with DigitalOcean`s Droplets you are free to do so many cool things.

Intuitive API/Control Panel — with great tools for building apps, comes great interface for managing these apps. DigitalOcean is providing you with custom API that gives you full control on all of your droplets. The best part here is that this API is customizable, so developers can tune it to their exact needs. Their cPanel is also customizable, so you can easily manage all of your resources. Of course, you have to use it to see how intuitive it is, but some of the things which you will be able to do are managing domains, one-click install and allocation of resources (again with a single click). Your needs will be met at DigitalOcean because everything is made simple, easily accessible and the prices are more than reasonable.

Active Knowledgeable Community — maybe the coolest thing about DigitalOcean is their ever-growing, always knowing community. DigitalOcean has developed a tribe of tech-driven writers that lay everything there is to know in well-structured documents that are for all. You want to know more about Kubernetes, no problem because the tutorial department of DO got you covered with a very good post. Their model is quite simple — you ask your question and when someone answers it for you, they get paid. Also, they have a tasty incentive — if you write a good and useful tutorial, you will get paid 300$, if it’s a video, it can go up to 400$ and after that timely updates on your tutorial can reap an additional 50$ to 75$, nice! You must check out “write for DOnations”.

So, if you are hooked, let me just tell you that DigitalOcean doesn’t offer a live chat or phone calls, because of their approach aimed at experienced and tech-savvy professionals. The general assumption is that you should be able to solo your cloud infrastructure, provisioning and so on, alone.

Well, alone until now! Because now you can use smokin/tech — we are developing a tool that automates most of your cloud tasks, leaving you with a working, provisioned VMs, ready for your website, applications and everything in between.

In conclusion, DigitalOcean is a superior cloud service provider, no doubt! Heaven for developers, where they can take advantage of the Droplets and build their websites and application with joy. And for the mundane cloud tasks (the proverbial cloud snow shovelling), you can leave it to smokin/tech.



Atanas Nikolov

A copywriter, marketer and a skier…oh and a good talker if nobody is listening.