Vegetable Curry

Easy recipe, 60 minutes to cook

Martin Thoma
Smoking Kitchen
3 min readJul 26, 2020


Image Source: Martin Thoma

Curry is a dish found in many Asian countries. It’s always spicy, but not necessarily in the hot-spicy sense. There are just a lot of spices in Curry 🙂

I like to make a lot of curry at once, as it’s not that much more work to just make double the amount. It stays good in the fridge for more than a week.


For 3 people, you need:


  • A big Wok in which all of the above fit
  • A sharp knife and a cutting board for cutting the vegetables
  • A rice cooker — if you don’t have that, a pot is also fine
  • A Ladle to get the Curry out of the wok
  • One spoon and a soup plate per person


For all of the following, you will need roughly 1 hour.

Rice: Put it in a rice cooker with double the amount of water.


  1. Peel the carrots and cut them into sticks.
  2. Wash the Broccoli and cut it into pieces that you can eat comfortably,
  3. Cut the onion.
  4. Wash the spring oninons and cut them into pieces
  5. Was the Zucchini. Cut the Zucchini in roughly 1cm thick slickes. Make roughly 4–9 pieces out of the Zucchini, so that you can eat it comfortably.
Pepper, carrots and Zucchini. Image Source: Martin Thoma
The cut spring onions. Image Source: Martin Thoma


  1. Put the oil in the wok. Make it hot.
  2. Once the oil is hot, add the onions.
  3. Quickly after that, add the curry. Cook it until it smells good.
  4. Add the coconut milk.
  5. Add the Broccoli and carrots.
Spring onion, onion, curry — it already smells amazing! Image Source: Martin Thoma
The Zucchini and carrots are added soon as they need to become soft. Image Source: Martin Thoma
The coconut milk makes the nice, creamy texture of the curry. Image Source: Martin Thoma

Serve (for each person):

  1. Put the rice in a small cup to form it. Put it on the table.
  2. Put the Curry on the plate
  3. Put some french fried onions over the rice
Image Source: Martin Thoma

Bon appetit!



Martin Thoma
Smoking Kitchen

I’m a Software Engineer with over 10 years of Python experience (Backend/ML/AI). Support me via