Abstract visual of road signs

The annoying cookiebar.

Tim etc.
2 min readNov 9, 2023


Have you ever visited a website and been greeted by a pesky little pop-up known as the cookiebar? If you have, then you know exactly what I’m talking about. And if you haven’t, well, you’re either new to the internet or lying (or both).

Let’s face it, the cookiebar is one of the most annoying things on the internet since the dial-up modem. It’s like that one friend who always insists on coming over unannounced and then stays for way too long. Except in this case, the friend is a piece of code that wants to track your every move online. Fun times!

The cookiebar is a banner that pops up on a website asking for your consent to use cookies. And if you’re like me, you’re probably thinking, “Wait, what are cookies?” No, we’re not talking about the delicious baked treats here. We’re talking about those little pieces of data in your browser that websites use to track your activity and preferences. Yum.

Now, some people might argue that cookies are necessary for website functionality, and they’re not wrong. But let’s be real, most websites are just using them to collect data for advertising purposes. And the worst part is, even if you do give your consent, the cookiebar will still haunt you on every single page of the website. It’s like being followed by a creepy stalker who wants to know what kind of pizza toppings you prefer.

And let’s not forget about the design of these cookiebars. They’re always so obnoxiously large and in-your-face, like a neon sign flashing “ACCEPT OUR COOKIES OR ELSE!” I mean, seriously, can’t they make them a little less intrusive? It’s like trying to read a book with someone shining a flashlight in your face every five seconds.

In conclusion, the cookiebar is the internet equivalent of that one annoying person you can’t escape. It’s a necessary evil, but that doesn’t mean we have to like it. So, the next time you’re browsing the web and that pesky little banner pops up, just remember: it’s not you, it’s the cookiebar. And maybe, just maybe, we can all learn to live with it. Or, you know, boycott all the website that do invasive tracking. Who’s with me?

