Write for Smorgasboard of History

Love history and storytelling? SOH is for you

Betsy Denson
Smorgasbord of History


Photo by Rachel Claire from Pexels

Edited on 9/18/2023

This is one of my two history-based Medium publications along with Art Hi“STORY.”

My goal for this site is not quantity, but quality. I’d love to include you as a writer. Please review the guidelines.

Here are some additional guidelines.

Step 1 — Have an interest in these subjects. Do you have something to share in the historical realm that would be of interest to others? Do you have a new slant on an old subject? If you think it is interesting, odds are others will too.

Step 2 — Be open to some editorial help. I’m not perfect but I will probably pick up on some stuff that needs changing or fine-tuning, just like other people do for me. Fresh, and different eyes, often help a piece.

Step 3—Source your facts. This is a deal-breaker for me. I know a lot of this is content that gets rehashed and reinterpreted over time, but you need to give credit where credit is due. You can do this through links — this actually helps your SEO too — and footnotes.

For a tutorial on how to do footnotes:



Betsy Denson
Smorgasbord of History

Always looking for the interesting. Incurably curious. Write a new book in my head once a month. Hopefully one will cross the finish line before I'm 80.