Submission Guidelines for Smothering Us

If you have nothing nice to say about parenting, come sit by me…

Meaghan Ward
Smothering Us


Photo by Egor Komarov

May 27th, 2024

Hi, thanks for coming to read this. I’m glad you’re interested in contributing!

This publication is brand new, but I would love to have other parents contribute.

This is a publication for people who feel like our children are smothering us.

I can interpret that in at least two ways.

Smothering: They’re slowly killing us by depriving us of the joy and freedom of not having to be responsible all the time.

S(mothering): Parenting sucks, but at least we can learn something from it. Maybe sometimes our kids are mothering us by teaching us how to be better people and better parents.

For now, I’m going to keep the contribution guidelines as simple as possible.


  1. Make sure your story fits in with the theme of either “things I hate about parenting” or “being a parent sucks but I’m wiser and stronger, and this is why”.
  2. Please do your best to edit this as well as possible before you hit the submit button — I am the only one working on this publication (for now) and it’s just one…

