Adding ‘Waiting For’ Emails To OmniFocus

Sven Fechner
Published in
2 min readAug 17, 2016

A very long time ago, I published an Applescript I’ve created that usesMail-Act-On 2 and MailTags by to create a task in OmniFocus for messages you send out that you need answer or follow up (“Waiting For’s” in GTD terms). While I haven’t been working on the script ever since, the brave community in the Omnigroup’s OmniFocus forum did.

They refined the script, fixed some issues and when Scott Morrison from got involved himself, the script evolved to utilise most of MailTags incredible power, e.g. using the project field of MailTags to add the task to the right project in OmniFocus if there is a matching one or even add a due date to the task based on the Tickler Date (if set) of MailTags.

Awesome community development: Make sure you check out the thread in the OmniFocus forum for more variations and further enhancements.

I believe the latest version has a bit of an issue and isn’t adding the task to OmniFocus, if the Tickler Date isn’t set. It still triggers the Growl notification, but the task never appears in OmniFocus. Hopefully I’ll have time to look into this and provide an update.

I’ve decided to leave the script source in the capable hands of the OmniFocus forum community. Hence refer to the corresponding thread there to obtain the latest version and any updates.

Find all of my OmniFocus posts in my ‘Essentials’ collection. If you like to master OmniFocus, I really recommend the excellent ‘Learn OmniFocus’ learning platform as well as the pragmatic ‘Working with OmniFocus’ video tutorials.



Sven Fechner

Every time when I hit 'publish' I feel a little better. Writing about productivity, creativity and simplicity. Sales Manager,  fanboy & avid mountain biker.