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SMS Junk Filter
Stop SMS SPAM messages on your iPhone.
An in-Depth look at our Docker and ECS stack for Golang
An in-Depth look at our Docker and ECS stack for Golang
We use the Go programing language for a lot of the high throughput pieces of our infrastructure with SMS Junk Filter - https://smsjunk.com…
Marcio Castilho
Oct 11, 2017
Undercover Reporter reveals SMS Spam operation
Undercover Reporter reveals SMS Spam operation
Two men who boasted about being the biggest distributors of nuisance text messages in the UK have been exposed as part of a three-year BBC…
Marcio Castilho
Sep 19, 2017
Handling 1 Million Requests per Minute with Golang
Handling 1 Million Requests per Minute with Golang
I have been working in the anti-spam, anti-virus and anti-malware industry for over 15 years at a few different companies, and now I know…
Marcio Castilho
Aug 30, 2017
Enabling SMS Spam Filtering on iOS 11
Enabling SMS Spam Filtering on iOS 11
For the last 3 months we have been working hard to create a new startup and release a brand new and exciting product called SMS Junk…
Marcio Castilho
Aug 29, 2017
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