As Seen Through a Window

Belle Campbell
SMU Coronavirus Chronicles
2 min readMay 4, 2020

As Seen Through a Window is a collection of six photos capturing the inside of my home during moments I may not have taken advantage of had I not been trapped inside. These images, overlaid with snippets of text conversations I’ve had during the pandemic, offer a glimpse of how the analog and digital world have become intertwined.

The top of the stairs where my mom lights her incense every evening, overlaid with the aftermath of my going off the grid for 48 hours to catch up on assignments.
The view from my bedroom window, now also occasionally my classroom, overlaid with a very early course evaluation.
A chair at the dining room table, now also a working classroom, overlaid with a complaint I made in a group-chat.
A chair at the kitchen table, now another classroom, overlaid with my 21st birthday plans.
The view from our den, now another classroom, overlaid with a conversation I had with a friend about the moving-out process.
The shadows cast by the windows in the den overlaid with a dilemma of a friend, an essential worker who’s employer does not offer her insurance.

