Filling the Minutes

Sabrina Franco
SMU Coronavirus Chronicles
2 min readMay 7, 2020

How I’ve been resisting the urge to stay in bed all day.

As quarantine goes on, it becomes harder and harder to be motivated to do anything. It’s even difficult to come up with something to do. Here’s how I’ve been spending my days and beating the urge to stay in bed all day.

Studying outside has made school a lot more fun for me over the course of the semester. Having a change of scenery really helps me focus, and the time outdoors is nice to have during quarantine. I always make myself some snacks and be sure to set up a tarp to get out of the Texas sun. From there, I’m good to go for a few hours of productivity. Having a spot to call your own and fix up for yourself makes the hugest difference.
I’ve never been much of a cook, so I decided quarantine would be the perfect time to brush up on my limited skill set. Thankfully for this particular meal I kept it pretty simple — I’m in no hurry to become an expert. I was shocked and pleased to have avoided burning the house down and actually providing something edible. The fact that I could put together something healthy was also a nice surprise. I’ve recently started adding some chopped apples to my salads and I highly recommend you try it.
Quarantine has also been a great time for me to go back to the things I love. I read all of the time in high school and have missed having the extra time for it in college. The quiet time to do something besides homework is always appreciated, and spending it by the pool is an added bonus. I’ve also been having the best time getting caught up on all the books I wanted to read before watching the accompanying movie or show. Now that I’m cooped up at home, I have time to enjoy both!
After being stuck in the same space for so long, changing up your surroundings can make a ton of difference in your moods. In our case, we decided to start collecting some plants for decoration. Pictured here are some flowers styled by one of my roommates. It’s easy to underestimate the difference one little vase of flowers can make, but it really brightens the room, especially because it’s new. We all know the “take pleasure in the little things” cliche, but now more than ever is the time to take it to heart.
When we occasionally run out for groceries it’s a nice chance to get out of the apartment as long as we’re all staying safe. We modeled our masks in this photo for our parents. I’m still getting used to grabbing my mask before every trip out, but it is slowly becoming our new normal. It’s important to remember to follow health guidelines, but also not to let it take over your life.
The most important thing for me to remember in quarantine is that my life doesn’t have to come to a standstill. Over the course of quarantine, I’ve celebrated my friends’ graduations, attended a faux formal in the apartment, sang for two birthdays, and taken a staggering amount of Polaroid pictures. Quarantine won’t last forever, but we also don’t have to wait for it to end to find things that bring us joy. Something as small as having movie nights can feel like a return to normalcy if you let it.

