Companies that are Offering Discounts During Quarantine:

Thomasg Hodges
SMU Coronavirus Chronicles
1 min readMay 1, 2020
SMU’s Dallas Hall, University Park, TX, taken September 8, 2019 by Thomas Hodges

There is no doubt that this last month has been incredibly challenging for a lot of people. Forced isolation is currently an issue of public health and safety but that doesn’t make it any easier for those it affects. With a lack of connection to the outside world and an increased amount of uncertainty about the future, many people are suffering from an increased amount of anxiety.

Luckily, though, it isn’t all doom and gloom. Many large companies are stepping up and attempting to make quarantine more manageable for the public by offering their services for free or at a huge discount in an attempt to encourage people to social distance.

Yes, this situation is frustrating, but if these promotions can encourage people even a little bit to stay mentally strong and remain indoors, we can beat this virus and get back to our normal lives as soon as possible.

