Staying Sane In New York

SMU Coronavirus Chronicles
4 min readMay 6, 2020

Daniel Jacobs explains how he has maintained his sanity during strict quarantine regulations.

Photo by Colton Duke on Unsplash

The only thing keeping me sane during quarantine is exercising, a healthy diet, and a strict schedule.

Quarantine is a very stressful time for a lot of people. States like New York, Connecticut, New Jersey, and California have large amounts of confirmed COVID-19 cases. In these states, strict quarantine policies have been enacted that require people to stay home and go out as little as possible. During this time, many are struggling with the mental aspect of staying home and having little social interaction.

On the CDC website, they have dedicated an entire page to Mental Health and Coping During COVID-19. The CDC stresses the importance of taking care of one’s body by “eating healthy and well-balanced meals, exercising regularly, getting plenty of sleep, and avoiding alcohol and drugs.” By maintaining a healthy body and a healthy mindset, some of the struggles of quarantine can be alleviated.

I am currently living in New York, which has strict quarantine policies. To maintain my mental health, I focused on leading a healthier lifestyle by exercising regularly, eating healthily, getting plenty of sleep, and planning my work schedule. Being a college student in New York with strict quarantine policies, I’ve had quite a share of difficulty adjusting to this new way of life. By implementing these aspects into my daily life, the stress and pain of quarantine have dramatically lessened.

Exercising daily has become very important to me during quarantine. Every morning at 7:00 a.m. I go outside and run two miles. Afterward, I exercise at home using weights and various online training classes. In an article by The New York Times, where they talked to Dr. Russell G. Buhr, a pulmonologist at U.C.L.A., exercising during COVID-19 can have many health benefits. According to Dr. Buhr, going outside while maintaining a healthy distance is very beneficial to mental and physical health; “It clears your mind, and it keeps you active.” Mentally, I have noticed that I feel less trapped during quarantine and that by being outside, I am less emotionally charged throughout the day. The run brings a sense of peace into the day.

Aside from the mental benefits, including daily exercise has made me physically feel better throughout the day. Working out every day allows me to release pent up energy. In the beginning of quarantine, I became very sedentary and eventually I became restless. Sleeping became harder and I would not be able to sit down and work. By releasing my energy through working out, I found that I was better able to cope with staying inside and doing work. Moreover, when the time comes to finally go to bed, I have found that it is much easier and quicker to fall asleep than it was before. Getting more sleep has drastically improved my mental health. I wake up with more energy and my outlook is a lot more positive despite the difficult times.

Another important change to my daily life during quarantine is eating healthier. In addition to exercising daily, I have drastically changed my diet during quarantine. I make an effort to eat more fruits and vegetables throughout the day rather than processed food. Moreover, I have eliminated sweets from my diet. Mentally, I feel better about myself and what I’m putting into my body. I feel happy and healthy about what I’m eating rather than regretting something that I ate. Overall, I feel better physically. I have noticed that I have more energy throughout the day, and I do not feel slow or sluggish like I would have if I consumed unhealthier alternatives.

The final change that I have made to my life is adhering to a strict schedule. According to a New York Times article, it is important to plan your work around your internal clock. I personally find that I do school work best during the day rather than at night. Once it becomes night time, I mentally am not capable of doing more work and need time to relax before bed. Taking my preferences into account, I have set a daily schedule from 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. where every hour is accounted for. I begin every day with exercise, I then do school work, and then end the day with personal relaxation time. Making a daily schedule has added structure to my life during such a tumultuous time. My schedule also eases the stress of quarantine since I am always busy and do not have the time to dwell on my situation.

Staying active and focusing on my work has allowed me to better deal with the difficult times of quarantine and has contributed to my ability to stay positive through the challenges.

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