Spotify Recommendations Using Community Detection

Jay Kynerd
Published in
2 min readNov 17, 2021

Maddie Hulcy is a junior at SMU majoring in Computer Science. She is originally from Coppell, Texas.

Jay Kynerd is a junior at SMU from Birmingham, AL studying Computer Science and Philosophy.

The goal of our project extension was to use the Girvan-Newman algorithm to determine communities of music artists by analyzing the playlists in which they appear together.

We used data provided by Spotify for the Spotify Million Playlist Challenge (, which included a name of a playlist, various other data points about the playlist, and a list of tracks in the playlist.

"playlists": [
"name": "Upbeat",
"num_holdouts": 11,
"pid": 1000002,
"num_tracks": 11,
"tracks": [],
"num_samples": 0

Playlists were organized in a JSON organized as above, where

"tracks": []

is a list of the playlist’s tracks’ information:

"pos": 90,
"artist_name": "Pink Floyd",
"track_uri": "spotify:track:5HNCy40Ni5BZJFw1TKzRsC",
"artist_uri": "spotify:artist:0k17h0D3J5VfsdmQ1iZtE9",
"track_name": "Comfortably Numb",
"album_uri": "spotify:album:5Dbax7G8SWrP9xyzkOvy2F",
"duration_ms": 382296,
"album_name": "The Wall"

We used a subset of this dataset that included 2000 playlists of up to 100 tracks each. We stripped down each playlist to be only a list of artists appearing in the playlist and created a node for each artist. We then added edges to connect all of the artists within each playlist to each other with a weight of 1.

g.add_edge(artist1, artist2, weight=1)

If the same edge appeared multiple times (meaning the same two artists appeared in multiple playlists together), the edge weight was divided by 2 for each shared playlist, so that artists are more closely related whenever they appear together multiple times.

if g.has_edge(artist1, artist2):
g[artist1][artist2]['weight'] /= 2

We then ran the Girvan-Newman algorithm on the constructed graph to determine communities of related artists. Communities were then sorted into lists and written to an output file for processing.

communities = girvan_newman(g)
node_groups = []
with open("communities_output.txt", 'w') as output_file:
for com in next(communities):

Using these communities, we wrote a simple script that, given an artist name, returns a random related artist.

for genre in genres: 
if artist in genre:
random_artist = genre[random.randint(0, len(genre))-1]
while artist == random_artist: # ensures unique artist
random_artist = genre[random.randint(0, len(genre))-1]

The user is prompted to enter an artist and, if the artist exists in the dataset, gets a related artist recommended.

When Coldplay is input, Gotye is returned as a recommended related artist

Going forward, we look to improve the accuracy of our recommendations by optimizing graph population. By using a different starting edge weight and/or reducing edge weights by a different factor for each repeated edge, we can construct a graph that has more clearly defined genre communities, thus providing better recommendations.

