My city’s health condition in digital India

Kedar vishawanath hulawale
SN Mentoring
Published in
3 min readMay 8, 2024

Deteriorating healthcare system leads to people health in danger

health checkup in villages for knowing rural health condition

I am going to write on my city’s health condition and my own experience. We are claiming that our India is developing day by day in all sectors, due to online mode and digitalization government claim that we are on the progressive stage. However in rural communities ,health care facilities are not in well developed stage. This is the major concern in rural communities and no one trying to solve it. In rural communities,the health care facilities are not in a well-developed state. In some cases, the rural individuals do not have access to these facilities and are required to travel to distance places or urban areas. With the advent of globalization and industrialization ,there have been initiation of technical, scientific and innovative methods in health care centers. The rural individuals, earlier used to implement traditional methods in treating their illness, but in present ,they have also acquired appropriate information in terms of modern and innovative health care facilities, used to promote their well being.

Challenges for Rural Health System An Overview

The poor state of the health system in rural areas is not the outcome of particular occurrence but a consolidated outgrowth of degraded system. It signifies not only lack in existing policy and infrastructure but blockage in potential development also. The expenditure on public health has not only been ignored by the state but by common also. The common man terms expenditure on public health as useless. In their view, the quality of treatment and medicines in government-run hospitals has degraded, The disillusionment and frustration with the growing ineffectiveness of government sector is gradually driving poor people to seek help of the private sector ,thus forcing them to spend huge sums of money on credit ,or they are left to the mercy of ‘quacks’. This scenario is worsened through existing malpractices going on in rural health care. The archaic beliefs of tribals that that any disease may be cured by magic ,have dominated over the minds of rural population India. I had experienced this when I was ill. Due to this kind of notion, the rural areas are under the influence of various superstitions which ultimately leads to blockade in the advancement of modern pathology there. The magic based therapy is nothing but use of tantra and chants by saints upon ailing person.

The Rural Health in India has been one of the important issues for development. But it has been one of the neglected sectors in Indian economy. The existing state of public health in the country is so dissatisfactory that any attempt to improve the present position must necessarily involve administrative measures. These administrative measures consist of regulation and and enforcement in public health, human resource development and capacity building, population stabilization ,strengthening of disease surveillance machinery so that direct or indirect association of these factors with health may robust. The existence of strong surveillance mechanism will assist in monitoring and further policy making. The strong human resource in public health sector will assist in imparting management skills and leadership qualities among health professionals. There has been shortfall not only in terms of physical infrastructure but also human resource in rural healthcare. Even though, the posts are sanctioned by the government ,many of them laying vacant. The apathy of various medical professionals also leads to degradation of rural health scenario. Many rural residents are not able to obtain treatment for basic ailments either due to the non -presence of health care services in the vicinity, or due to lack of funds to access the same. The system health planning and decision making has been highly centralized and top down with minimum accountability, little decentralized planning or scope for genuine community initiatives; the failure of most state supported community health worker schemes being one of the most striking consequence of this top-down approach. Therefore ,it is imperative for us to revitalize the existing rural health system from both structural and functional points of view.

