The strong connection between climate change and food security

What is important us is knowing well about that problem

Koki Baba
2 min readSep 10, 2021
global issues’s roots
Photo by Emma Gossett on Unsplash

All nations might face food crisis in the next few decades, we all know what it is and how the situation will be. But when we think about the solution to alleviate the problem, most people will be confused because of the lack of knowledge. We cite two main reasons of food crisis, food distribution and climate change. In fact, this issue is not simple like that. Food distribution are caused by the high demand of food security and feed grain, and etc. In addition, overconsumption emits carbon dioxide and it causes climate change. These are only part of the elements.

We did research focusing on 5 countries and regions, Japan, the U.S., France, India, and Africa to compare developed and developing countries from various perspectives such as the number of emissions and energy sources, nation’s goal in the next few years. In addition, by comparing past and present situations, we were able to know how climate change has been a serious problem in the last few years with some examples, forest fire, flood, and etc. These issues cause yield loss then food crisis happens. You might say there is one way from climate change to food crisis, but in reality, there is the opposite one as well.

We would like viewers to know that the relations between food crisis and climate change and both have effects on each other which are caused by our daily activities especially in developed countries.

Our main platforms are website and social media where you can learn more in depth from the articles and upcoming interview videos with experts who have amazing experience at the similar fields for sharing the actual movements and some tips, you can try in a daily life.

We are also planning to hold an event and would like to collaborate with another group those who are doing something in the similar fields.

