Which foreign colleges are good for an average middle class Indian student? Is it even worth studying abroad?

Jhalak Rathi
SN Mentoring
Published in
1 min readJul 2, 2021

It is definitely worth studying abroad — exactly why so many students are opting for it.

Now, depending on your academic background and prowess, one has to on the basis of the same, judge how fruitful it’s going to be for you.

Going to an A tier university in UK or Europe is definitely better than going for a C tier university in USA, though they say US is THE education hub — every students dream. One has to balance the costs and have a reasonable idea of how returns to your investment is going to materialise.

Some countries are cheaper than other by almost two folds sometimes and it’s not like being a middle class Indian one can’t afford it. There are education loans that can be availed and scholarships that could be applied to — usually merit based.

To sum it up — it most certainly is an exposure that is coveted.



Jhalak Rathi
SN Mentoring

Education/ Career Consultant | Thinker | Problem Solver | Digital Artist | IITian (M.Tech) by Degree | Foodie | Memer