How to publish Tableau .tdsx data source files using Python

A step-by-step guide to publishing data sources via REST API

Elliott Stam
Published in
7 min readApr 8, 2020


Photo by Noah Buscher on Unsplash

There’s a saying that in life only two things are certain: death and taxes. In your Tableau life, the two certainties are a bit less dramatic (data sources and workbooks).

Whether your Tableau data is sourced from an extract, a CSV file, or a database, you have data sources. Those data sources provide your analysts with the raw ingredients required to cook up visual analyses your organization uses to stay on top of data-driven decisions.

As organizations make moves towards automation, often in an effort to free up human brain power for tasks computers can’t do, one of the necessary components of such workflows is publishing data sources.

Perhaps you’ve generated a .hyper extract and would like to publish it to Tableau Server. Maybe you’re migrating content to a new project, or even a different site / server. Whatever your situation is, having the ability to publish data sources programmatically is a valuable capability to have in your tool belt.

This tutorial walks through using the Python tableau-api-lib package and is part of a series on how to…



Elliott Stam
Editor for

Data scientist and author. Sometimes seen falling down mountains with a snowboard strapped to my feet.