Step by step custom Tableau dashboard PDF bursting

Cause you’re in a hurry and your boss wants PDFs, not excuses

Elliott Stam
Published in
8 min readMar 9, 2020


We’ve all been there. Someone powerful who pays you cash money is dead set on using Tableau for something it probably shouldn’t be used for. Your organization has invested hundreds of thousands of dollars into an insanely powerful Tableau Server environment because they saw Tableau was top of the charts in the Magic Quadrant. Naturally, someone higher on the food chain than you has decided it would be a great idea to shove all that interactive data voodoo magic aside, and get their hands on some PDFs. Back to the 90’s, baby. Something, something, report bursting.

Well suck it up, sonny. We’re going to get you those damn PDFs and make your boss happy.

Tableau PDFs and hand-drawn visuals… almost the same thing! Thanks for the photo, Isaac Smith!

This tutorial relies on the PyPI tableau-api-lib package and is part of a series on how to tap Tableau Server like a keg, giving you control over Tableau Server’s REST API.

These tutorials assume you have Python 3 installed already. If you do not have Python 3 yet, this will get you started: guide to install Python.

Find more Devyx tutorial content on YouTube.



Elliott Stam
Editor for

Data scientist and author. Sometimes seen falling down mountains with a snowboard strapped to my feet.