30 Days library clean up (part 2-end)

Erik Smith


The last few pictures I had in reserve for the 30/Days from Crossing Genres. It was my first publishing in Medium and I loved doing it.

First pic are fire-hoses that ended up at awesome scrap metal yard

Rubbish old lorry- and it works everyday.

Any car lovers here? Remember the Citroën 2 CV? Remarkable French made car. 2CV means; Deux CheVaux. It apply’s to the 2 horsepower engine that was used in this little machine.

Pic on the left; this one lost the competition to the one posted on Day 3

Pic on the right; took the pic ‘cause I somehow liked the ‘chaos’ it represented. Didn’t make it to the gallery nonetheless.

Small valley with scrap metal yard on the left. I loved loading here, particularly when my shift was almost finished. That meant i could stay for the night. The owner then invited me over for a simple dinner. A remarkable friendliness, since he’s French and well… you know what they say- The French.., they are the French…

