A Canine Inspired Recipe

to cure the doggy boredom blues

Allan Rae
Published in
2 min readMay 15, 2018


A quick, easy, albeit not cheap, recipe to whip up when your two rescue dogs from hell are driving you up, down the walls and back.


  • 1 large Husky/Great Dane mix
  • 1 medium to large size Boxer/Hound mix
  • 2 invisible fence collars
  • 1 new Kong
  • 1 new Frisbee
  • 1 “indestructible” plastic ball
  • 1 doggy football
  • 1 empty Gatorade bottle
  • 2 water buffalo horn doggy chew toys
  • 1 warm, sunny day
  • 1 fake in every way, but enthusiastic voice from outside the house
  • 1 back door that locks


  1. With a spirited voice tone and dramatic arm gestures, coax the aforementioned dogs off couch, then outside into yard
  2. Pre-sprinkle yard with generous helping of above toys
  3. Make huge and dramatic show of faux enthusiasm to chase after above mentioned dogs with above mentioned toys
  4. Execute two generous throws of above mentioned toys directly away and far from backdoor
  5. Scream “go nuts boys”
  6. Run inside
  7. Lock door

Leave above mentioned dogs for 30 to 45 min, checking occasionally, ensuring they have not disemboweled or otherwise seriously mutilated each other.


Your recipe is considered complete when you find the above mentioned dogs sprawled out in the grass, doggy toys at their side, their exhaustion evident from the audible snores.


Please note that ongoing supervision is likely required, otherwise you risk discovering the fresh new hell known as missing and damaged lattice work.

That will conclude what has been just another day in the land of Mr. Moles and Trouser.



Allan Rae

Educator, HIV researcher, former flight paramedic, MFA, poetry, creative non fiction, memoir, intersectional social justice, satire, dogs. https://allanrae.com