A Dog Gone Too Soon

RIP, Trouser

Allan Rae


It is with much regret that I make this announcement. Our sweet dog, Trouser, died today.

A brief history of the past few weeks is necessary. In early July, after some concerning behavior changes, David and I took Trouser to the vet. After thorough assessments and clinical exams by his vet and an expert behaviorist, it was determined that he was suffering from a terminal brain lesion. Treatment was not recommended as it would have been invasive, painful, and had a statistically poor outcome.

So we did the only thing we could, we brought him home to be with us, and with Molesley. A few weeks ago, on the recommendation of our vet, we made the decision to end his suffering, since by this point prolonging his life would have meant more suffering for him, and potential danger to others, as his condition had caused occasional episodes of increased and unpredictable aggression.

This afternoon, after we treated Trouser to a cheeseburger meal courtesy of the golden arches, the vet and her assistant came to the house. Trouser was administered medication to heavily sedate him, then he spent some final minutes with myself, David, and Mr. Moles. When it was time, and the final medication administered, we held him in our arms, and David said a prayer.

The last thing Trouser saw, our eyes. The last thing he felt, our touch. The last thing he heard, the lullaby we had sung for him every night before going to bed.

Go to sleep, my little dog. Time to rest from play. Time to have a lovely dream of the coming day.

He passed away peacefully, in our arms, a little after 4:30 today.

Trouser was 2 years old, having come to us at just 4 weeks. But in the short time we were with him, he proved to be a fiercely loyal dog who at times could be intensely and annoyingly stubborn. Though most of all he was a wonderfully loving companion. And the best brother Mr. Moles could ask for. He will be greatly missed, by all of us.

Allan Rae is a former flight paramedic, utilizing both his medical and creative writing backgrounds as a qualitative health researcher examining HIV stigma through community and personal narratives. He is the editorial director of C(G) and the photo publication SNAPSHOTS. Satire, Starbucks, and stray dogs do not displease him. He shares his home in Canada with his partner David and their dog Mr. Moles.



Allan Rae

Educator, HIV researcher, former flight paramedic, MFA, poetry, creative non fiction, memoir, intersectional social justice, satire, dogs. https://allanrae.com