“Pelican in Flight?” © 2022 J. Dean

Photography, Birds, Nature

A Gargantuan Brown Pelican

Bigger than life-size!

Published in
2 min readJan 12, 2022


Spending even a little time in Florida will teach you that brown pelicans are not rare. They are everywhere if you live near the water, sometimes by the dozens.

It is easy to ignore the pelican. Still, there is something prehistoric about these birds. The way they are shaped and their sheer size seem incompatible with flight. I find them interesting. They are one of my favorite birds.

While birding last weekend, I “got” 33 different species of birds. There was a gorgeous roseate spoonbill named “Rosey,” a half dozen wood storks, common gallinules, great egrets, tri-colored herons, snowy egrets, a loggerhead shrike, and even a bald eagle. In a little over two hours, I took over 400 pictures.

When I got home, I loaded the photographs to see what I had. There were several excellent shots (at least in my judgment). I almost skipped over the short burst of brown pelican pictures until I came across one with the pelican airborne, just a foot or so in the air.

“Bay Island Pelican” © 2022 J. Dean




Writing on politics, photography, nature, the environment, dogs, and, occasionally, humor. Editor of Dean’s List.