A Life in Reverse

Snap Shot Selfie Photo Challenge

2 min readApr 8, 2018


All photos by Dennett

I am a mother to many
But gave birth to none

I gather love, sunsets,
stories, and orphans.

I see myself as:

But am more like:

Too busy to be quiet,
Too unsettled to be peaceful,
Too full to be empty.

I am one of many
But rarely just one.

I dread the future
And deny the past
While looking for
Balance in the now.

I feel empty while
Filled to overflowing
And unappreciated
While loved by many.

Resentment is my Achilles,
Kindness is my staff.

Motherless child
Childless mother
Raising youth
When youth is gone.

Living life in reverse —
Years out of order,
Time out of sequence.

Standing for many but rarely for me.




I was always a writer but lived in a bookkeeper’s body before I found Medium and broke free — well, almost. Working to work less and write more.