Mountain Chickadee having a morning bath, immature Allen’s Hummingbird in the background

A Morning at the Fountain

A Photo Meditation on Birds

Erika Burkhalter
Published in
4 min readMay 22, 2019


One of my favorite ways to spend a bit of time in the mornings is to perch, silently, on a little stone bench in the garden and watch the myriad of birds visiting the water fountain which we have placed there for them. Some birds prefer still water and others, such as these, like moving water. We provide a variety of seeds and suet and nuts and berries for them. And, in return, they bring us such joy in the form of warbling, twittering songs, and “water antics.” One of the hummers (shown below) has discovered that he likes to “surf” the bubble in the middle of the fountain, riding it to the edge and then hopping back on in the middle again, over and over and over and over again!

The scrying bowl, immature male Rufous

Here is our little surfer. He seems to be contemplating the waves. And there he goes, riding that bubble to the edge, over and over again!

Immature Rufous Hummingbird “riding the wave.”

The Lesser Goldfinch is identifiable by its “complete”cap.



Erika Burkhalter

Photographer, yogi, cat-mom, lover of travel and nature, spreading amazement for Mother Earth, one photo, poem or story at a time. (MA Yoga, MS Neuropsychology)