Photo by Author — Charlie — He has bad teeth.

A Photo Journal of Barn Faces Across the Midwest

I don’t see dead people, but I do see barn faces.

Krista Bennett
Published in
2 min readFeb 23, 2022


Every since I was a child I would see faces in the oddest places. In the blue speckled linoleum on my grandmother’s bathroom floor. In light fixtures and smoke alarms hanging on the wall. On the sides of houses and barns.

I never told anyone about my “extra-sensory perception” until recently, when I asked a group of moms if they had ever seen a face on the side of a barn. They looked at me, clearly not understanding.

So I showed them this picture of an angry barn face I drive by every day.

Photo by Author, Krista Bennett

They all laughed and told me I was crazy, but a couple of them saw him.

This angry barn face stares me down every time I drive by. Wishing his mouth wasn't full of hay.

Then there’s this guy I call Humphrey. He watches over the cows.

Photo by Author, Krista Bennett ~ Humphrey the Cow Guardian

