The Pyramid of the Sun (photo credit to the author)


A Postcard from the Teotihuacan Pyramids

Ancient Mexico uncovered

Published in
4 min readApr 25, 2022


Only an hour outside of Mexico City lies the Teotihuacan Pyramids, an impressive and vast archaeological complex.

On the bus ride there, we passed giant cactuses and colourful favelas littering the green rolling mountains like discarded boxes of pastel smarties on a grassy lawn.

Some of the gorgeous and enormous cactuses (photo credit to the author)

We saw the pyramid before we had even entered the site. It loomed up before us like a breaching whale before an insignificant rowboat. I don’t know if I was quite prepared for the enormity of it. The Pyramid of the Sun is one of the largest structures of its kind in the Western Hemisphere, rising 216 feet from the ground and measuring 720 by 760 feet at the base. The coarse red rock it is constructed out of is volcanic and is built in a talud-tablero style, meaning that rather than sweeping up continuously, it rises up in a series of steps and platforms.

Me in front of the Pyramid of the Sun (photo credit to the author)



Sh*t Happens - Lost Girl Travel

Hi! I’m Georgie and I share travel stories of when sh*t happens. I think that sometimes the worst things that happen to you traveling, are often the funniest