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A Weekend Walk With the Dog

Country roads, country mutt


Our home is surrounded by farm fields and farm roads. In fact, there is a tractor-crossing sign just before our driveway. Our rescue dog loves it.

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Benny would gladly go for a walk every day, but we often stay confined to our fenced-in backyard simply due to its convenience and ease. It’s a good enough size, but there are far fewer interesting smells.

Author’s photo

Benny finds much more exciting things to explore when we leash up and hit the dirt road around the corner.

Author’s photo

A brush pile overlooking a forested ditch with a small stream that abuts even more farmlands? Such a glamorous locale.



Allisonn Church

⛅️ 🍃 🍃 ⛅️ "A single sunbeam is enough to drive away many shadows." — Francis of Assisi