After the Rain Comes the Gloom

A wet road out on an overcast day

John Dean
Published in
1 min readJun 17, 2021


Two days of rain is enough to dampen anyone’s spirits, especially those of us with a predisposition towards the negative. Earlier this month, nature gave us three.

The rain was here when we woke and when we retired for the day. At times it fell as it does in the tropics. A northern version of a torrential downpour.

The grounds did their best to soak up the rain but were overwhelmed by it. The roads, uneven and lightly traveled, collected rain. For a day or two, or until a truck ran through the small pools, mosquitos bred and birds bathed.

All of this was gloomy.

In black and white, it is gloomier—a more honest photograph of a dark day.

About the photography

The picture was taken on my Nikon Z7 using my 35/1.8 lens.

Other photography by J. Dean:



John Dean

Writing on politics, photography, nature, the environment, dogs, and, occasionally, humor. Editor of Dean’s List.