Photograph by P Grubb

Annie… Annie… Are You OK?

6 Word Photo Story Summer Challenge

Penny Grubb
Published in
1 min readAug 4, 2021


Continual CPR since 1960; still serene.

Training sessions echo to cries of “Annie… are you OK?” the initial step (establishing unresponsiveness) in the resuscitation process. The face of Resusci Annie, the medical training doll, was originally modelled on a teenaged girl who drowned in the River Seine in the late 19th century. The girl was never identified but the pathologist, taken with her serene expression, took a death mask of her face which was replicated and sold. In the 1950s, her face was used in the development of Resusci Annie.

Acknowledging the originator of the 6-word photo story summer challenge, Mary Chang Story Writer,

With some trepidation (because I didn’t note them all at the time and I know I’m missing some) I’m tagging people whose 6-word stories have chimed with me: Susan Alison, Diana Lotti, Marianne Sherret, Sadie Seroxcat, Amethyst Qu, Hollie Petit, Ph.D., Christine Regan Davi, Skye Mo'ipulelehua Kahoali'i, Divina Grey, Denise Darby, Penny Grubb, Susan Foster, pockett dessert, Dennett



Penny Grubb

An award-winning crime novelist & long-time amateur poultry keeper, who specialised in teaching methods, healthcare & software engineering as an academic.