Astor & Bee

Applying Effects Regionally

The Artists Challenge

Published in
2 min readMay 26, 2018


Okay, okay… So I take a lot of flower and bee shots… Well like I said, I’m a lazy photographer. I don’t have the patience to sit and wait for the perfect shot… I rely on luck. But like Terijo, I like playing with Photoshop, and for years I have been searching for ways to may my images a little different.

Applying effects, as alto suggests in this challenge, is where I started. After a while that started to feel too easy and not unique enough to me. So then I started trying to apply effects regionally.

This works especially well with an image that has a particularly striking subject. For example, you can apply one effect to the background or other parts of the image and a different effect (or no effect at all) to the primary subject. This, of course, requires use of the selections tools. My fav is the “Quick Selection Tool.” I also use color range quite a bit. Figuring out how to handle feathering of a selected area makes a big difference. The trick is to do this in such a way that the boundary between one effect and another is undetectable.

I think the image above is my first effort at this technique… I used the Colored Pencil filter on the background, and the Poster Edges filter on the Bee and Flower.



On the internet they can’t tell that you’re actually a dog…