Wild Acacias (Wattle) in early winter mode. Photo by DWC

April 8–14

Bush Block # 2, Winter Coming On

David Wade Chambers
Published in
Apr 14, 2021


Most of our Banksias are in garden beds, but this is the local wild version: Banksia marginata. Photo by DWC
Photos by DWC.

The wonderful Crucifix orchid in orange and red cultivars. Blooms for years without let up.

Photo by DWC.

In the crystal ball I see lemonade in the near future.

Photo by DWC

They’re pretty used to seeing us around.

Sunrise. Photo by DWC.

An early morning walk.

Moonrise. Photo by DWC.

An early evening walk.



David Wade Chambers

Retired University Prof. (Social Studies of Science) Creator of Draw-a-Scientist Test: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Draw-a-Scientist_Test. Living in Australia