A colorful pencil case with markers and pens.
My most colorful pencil case- but not the only one! — photo by Sofia Paz-D’África

Art Supplies

I think they’re magical

Published in
Feb 3, 2021


Anything can happen when you got a pencil case full of little vehicles of joy or sorrow, beauty or ugliness. They are holders of dreams, open doors to our wildest fantasies.

Several paint brushes of different sizes with colorful backgrounds.
There’s a brush for every occasion.— photo by Sofia Paz-D’África

That first brushstroke, so many possibilities! I can feel the magic of a new beginning.

An open box of colored pencils.
Each colored pencil has its own enchantment and together they form a beautiful rainbow!— photo by Sofia Paz-D’África

To color the World with as many colors as I have pencils.

How beautiful it is when all the shades complement each other!



I’m a writer and illustrator who’s passionate about sending important messages!