Photo by Author. February 2022.

Artsy Cemetery in the Texas Hill Country (Part 2)

R. du Plessis


Angels and cherubs in Wimberley, Texas

Angelic sightings scattered throughout the Wimberley cemetery.

Photos by Author. February 2022.

Did you know the image we have of a cherub being a chubby-cheeked baby with wings only came about during the Renaissance when artists began depicting lower-order angels as children?

Photos by Author. February 2022.

All of the angels in the cemetery are beautiful. It would be difficult to pick a favorite. I do like this unusual angel, wrapping her arms together to make a watering spot for the birds next to her person’s resting place. With so little rain the last few years, she doesn’t get to give them water unless perhaps a caretaker sees her bowl is full.

Photo by Author. February 2022.

This little cemetery is full of charm and personality.

Part 3 will feature the animals and birds in the cemetery.



R. du Plessis

Texas girl married her South African love and moved to his farm in the bush. Two years later, he died. Now what?