© Dennett 2024 — Female Sago Palm

Beautiful & Deadly

Research before you buy or plant

Published in
2 min readMay 12, 2024


Sago Palms, also known as Cycads, originated in Japan and are popular landscaping plants in the warm-growing zones of 8 through 11. They are also a favorite indoor plant.

Sagos are particularly popular in my state of Florida. The one in these photos is in front of my client’s office. The newly formed fronds above will grow taller until they drop and fan out.

As lovely as Sagos are, they are also deadly. All parts of the Sago contain cycasin and beta-methylamino-L-alanine, poisons that cause vomiting, diarrhea, and death in pets and humans. The seeds, which are the most likely part of the plant to be consumed by a pet, contain the most poison. Even handling a Sago can transmit the poison.

Sagos are male or female. The males have a long cone containing pollen that travels through the air to a female Sago. The palm in these photos is a female.

© Dennett 2023 — Female Sago Palm

The photo above shows the female Sago in her seeding stage last fall.

These palms are elegant and showy, but never have one indoors if you have pets or children. An outdoor Sago might be safe if you and your neighbors have no outdoor pets and if any children in the area know not to handle the palm.

© Dennett 2024 — Female Sago Palm

Always research plants before bringing them into your home or planting them in your garden because . . .

beauty can be dangerous.

© Dennett 2024




I was always a writer but lived in a bookkeeper’s body before I found Medium and broke free — well, almost. Working to work less and write more.