Photo by Linda Sharp


Build Me Up Buttercup

Snapshots of the cutest little storytellers you’ll ever see.


As the title implies, these flowers are called Buttercups (Science exclusively calls them: Ranunculaceae).

They are also in the title of an old song I’ve heard throughout my childhood titled “Build Me Up” by The Foundations.

Take a listen to it: here.

There are different types of Ranunculaceae, but they are all included as being part of the Buttercup Family for the following three characteristics:

  1. showy/bright/flamboyant
  2. five or more petals
  3. numerous pistils and stamens

These flowers are said to symbolize:

  • youth
  • joy
  • happiness, and
  • good health

Spiritually, they symbolize:

  • abundance
  • prosperity, and
  • success

Buttercups are also closely related to (or synonymous with) children.

These flowers also have a story to tell.

Storytelling Is Important to Me




Evil prevails when good women write nothing. -LIN