Taken on Artist’s Drive. All photos by author.

Death Valley in Spring

Last-minute camping trip with my ex? Why not?

Kayla Vokolek
Published in
3 min readApr 3, 2024


Taking a camping trip in the desert with your ex might sound like some people’s idea of hell… but for me and Jonah, it was a lot of fun.

I knew little about what Death Valley had to offer, but knew it had to be a national park for a reason.

Getting to visit the Badwater Basin, the lowest point in North America, was almost worth the price of admission all on its own.

The basin is 282 feet below sea level. Walking out on the salt flats was simultaneously surreal and ordinary. It seemed as though I were walking on compacted snow — until I felt the warmth on my face, until I dipped my finger to taste a crystal of the salt beneath.

Going in spring after higher-than-average rainfall in California this year made the park much more vibrant than usual. Soon after entering the park, we saw vast stretches of desert gold wildflowers, all reminding me why spring is my favorite season.



Kayla Vokolek

Pursuing MFA in Nonfiction Writing at Portland State