Morning colours — at 6.30 am; the sun rises earlier day by day — photo by author

Duvets of Snow

After a week of snow, more is forecast

Inge E. Knudsen
Published in
2 min readMar 12, 2023


The snow has been deep, and there is still a thick layer of snow on roofs and the ground. We went to the garden to feed the birds and found our early spring flowers under their duvet of snow.

The dwarf iris are still alive under their duvet of leaves and snow — photo by author
A daffodil peeping through — photo by author
A tired hellebore, still alive and well — photo by author
And my grandson made a snow angel — photo by author

More snow is on its way, but we have had a couple of clear nights to watch Venus and Jupiter sliding even further away from each other, but mainly, the sky is grey with snow-laden clouds that now and again open up and treat us to a true snow storm.

Photo by author
Time for a warm cup of tea — photo by author

And then, tomorrow there will be another ice bowl — Ms Cat has already complained that the present water bowl on the balcony has solid ice again. I shall change it tomorrow and give her some fresh water. For the time being, she will have to make do with the water bowl in the kitchen.

Photo by author

March is the first month of spring, I am told. Let us hope so.



Inge E. Knudsen

Mother, grandmother, history and comparative literature passionate; lecturer on European Renaissance and European women writers in 18th & 19th centuries.