9-11 Memorial Wall Contains the Names of All Who Died in the Attack

Eagle Rock 9-11 Memorial in Essex County, New Jersey

Eagle Rock Reservation is a 400 acre park in Essex County, New Jersey along the ridge of the Watchung Mountains. A typical park with hiking trails, picnic areas, and an upscale restaurant, this park also has spectacular views of the Manhattan skyline 12 miles away. On September 11, 2001, thousands of people gathered at Eagle Rock to watch the scene at the World Trade Towers. A memorial was later constructed there with the official dedication on October 20, 2002.

Published in
2 min readMay 14, 2018


The day my husband and I visited in October 2017, the weather was gray and misty but I was able to capture a few good shots. The view is breathtaking even on a dismal day.

The Eagle Rock Bald Eagle
“Gabriella” — Sculpture That Honors All the Children Lost in the 9–11 Attack
Sculpture That Honors the 350 Rescue Dogs That Worked at the 9–11 Site
From The Twin Towers
Honoring the 9–11 Firefighters
Manhattan as seen from Eagle Rock

As we were leaving the park, a family of deer appeared in a grassy area as if to thank us for visiting.

Deer Family at Eagle Rock




I was always a writer but lived in a bookkeeper’s body before I found Medium and broke free — well, almost. Working to work less and write more.