A sign in the sky that the end of the pandemic is in sight? Author photo © Barbara Radisavljevic, an extra photo on Day 4


Easing Back into Normal Life as COVID-19 Cases Decrease

One April week of California Red Tier Life in 2021

Barbara Radisavljevic
Published in
4 min readApr 28, 2021


Looking forward to normal life again

My photo opportunities have been limited by pandemic restrictions, but they allow more freedom now. I took most of these photos in my own neighborhood. Recent rains revived the weeds in my garden just as spring made the flowers burst into bloom. I took this photo next to my walkway to the house on Day 1.

Irises, calendula, red valerian, and gazania. Author photo © Barbara Radisavljevic

Yes, I did take time to smell the irises on my way back from taking the trash cans to the curb for the next day’s pickup.

When I brought the trash containers back from the curb on Day 2, I noticed the gophers had crossed the driveway and started to attack my Euphorbia plant. I transplanted a root cutting from our other property last year because Euphorbia needs little care once established. It’s also drought-resistant. I hope I have time to make the weeds around it disappear soon. The gazanias prefer to grow in the soil the gophers pushed to the sidewalk.



Barbara Radisavljevic

Christian, bereaved adoptive mom, blogger, amateur nature photographer, voracious reader. Married 57 years. Central Coast of California. https://barbrad.com