
An effort to make my photos more interesting.

2 min readMar 5, 2018


Many of the photos I’m publishing these days have been processed in an effort to make them more interesting… hopefully, to more than just myself. I truly admire people who produce highly captivating images straight out of the camera with little or no processing… like this from Tracy Aston, which absolutely blew my socks off. I am able to do that every now and then, but it is exceedingly rare, so I try to add interest with effects. I have many thousands of photos. Most of them elicit little more than a “meh” from me, so I started playing with them in Photoshop. For the vast majority, nothing much helps. But occasionally I get a result I like. Here are a few examples… more will follow… I hope you will find something interesting in them.

Our Park
Aspens in the Snow
Herons Drying Out




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