© Clay Rivers

Fiat lux

ground up

Clay Rivers
Published in
2 min readJun 24, 2018


Fiat lux. In English, the Latin phrase translates to “let there be light.” No, I’m not so fancy as to speak the language. I only know this because it’s my alma mater’s motto. The top picture is a close-up view of the underside of the ceiling light in my office that hangs above my head … with the power on.

© Clay Rivers

Lights out. This is kinda my writing state at the moment … waiting for the current in the form of a bright idea to spark another essay.

© Clay Rivers

Bonus! In case you wondering what it looks really looks like.

How To: First two images, iPhone photos with HDR turned on. Imported to Photoshop, switched Color Mode to Grayscale, then applied Duotone settings (Warm Gray 11, bl 2), and adjusted Contrast settings a teeny bit to deepen the black and punch up the white. Second image: aimed and shot (HDR on).



Clay Rivers

Artist, author, accidental activist, & EIC Our Human Family (http://medium.com/our-human-family) and OHF Weekly (https://www.ohfweekly.org) Twitter: @clayrivers