Shruthi Sundaram — 6th Jan 2022

Getting Slightly Back to Normal

Week 15 of my photo diary from 6th Jan to 12th Jan 2022

Shruthi Vidhya Sundaram
Published in
5 min readJan 24, 2022


Relatives were still there, and it helped to get out from time to time after my grandad’s funeral. The whole process sucked and truly made me feel uncomfortable and wrong for some reason.

Probably it’s just me, but who knows?

On Thursday, I took a picture of one of the biggest churches in our town. Unfortunately, since I had forgotten my camera, I could not capture a wide-angle shot covering most of the church. Somehow with my phone, it came out too blurry. I have always been fascinated by its brilliant architecture but had never gotten the shot right. Even now, I don’t feel this is okay. But thought of attaching it here to give a reference.

Shruthi Sundaram — 7th Jan 2022

On Friday, the younger generation (about ten people) went to have ice cream and street food in the evening. This old place called Michaels Icecream is famous for water-based ice creams instead of milk-based ones. And one cup is only about 12 rupees (0.16 USD). My family has been visiting it for years since my mother was a kid.

Here 6 of us went and completed about 28 cups! After that, we just kept on eating, and the server kept on serving. In the end, I specifically asked him how he keeps a count of the orders given since there were so many, and he revealed that they were by the number of cups! Fascinating!

I thought one shot with all the cups was worth it:)

Others joined us later in our street food adventure, and I ended up filling my tummy to the brim. I couldn’t breathe later, which I feel is a good sign considering its food.

Shruthi Sundaram — 8th Jan 2022

I left my native town on the 7th night to reach Bangalore on the 8th morning with my husband and sister. The rest of the family stayed back to complete my grandfather’s last rites, which go on for 13 days in Hindu customs.

This was the first cup of coffee that we had as a small group, processing everything that had happened in the past few days.

Shruthi Sundaram — 9th Jan 2022

On my morning walk the following day, I witnessed a brilliant reflection of the rising sun on one of the tech park buildings next to my house. Sometimes the photos we take fail to capture the brilliance we notice, and I think something similar happened in this case.

Shruthi Sundaram — 10th Jan 2022

This photo was inspired by Anne Bonfert’s “Looking Up.” I had wanted to do this for a whole week for quite some time and was thinking about it while walking on the street when I literally “Looked Up.” Only to find multiple sun rays piercing through the bunch of leaves. Aah, beautiful!

Shruthi Sundaram — 11th Jan 2022

Somehow I have been on this house cleaning and beautifying spree this week. I wanted everything to be perfect before 20th Jan, my last working day. And the above photo was one of the results of my obsession.

I redecorated my study room, cleaned up everything, set things right (right, in my opinion), and transferred my bookshelf from the living room to this one. I created my reading nook with a bean bag next to it! Other than feeling that there could be fewer wires (with the fairy lights wires, Alexa, laptop & phone chargers, it does come up to many wires), I have fallen in love with this space. It’s almost become a safe space for me.

Shruthi Sundaram — 12th Jan 2022

I know this photo might look slightly creepy, but hear me out:)

Many of the plants here don’t have leaves on them now, because duh..winter. And I lovvvedd the patterns they formed with their crisscrosses. So one day, I crept “below” a set of shrubs and experimented with clicking photos from a down angle (since I was not tall enough to take shots from above). In one of the shots, I switched on the flash by mistake and ended up taking this beauty! Where you can clearly see the patterns that these shrubs form.

It looks like something taken on Halloween, but hey, you can’t deny that it looks way different than my regular clicks:)

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Shruthi Vidhya Sundaram

I guide ambitious-as-f*ck coaches, healers & mystics to push past their fears, fulfil their soul purpose and transform it into a successful, aligned business