Bridge in Portland (Oregon) Japanese Garden.
Bridge in Portland (Oregon) Japanese Garden. © Randy Runtsch.


One Color, Many Shades

Randy Runtsch
Published in
Jun 23, 2023


Green heron swimming in a pond filled with green something in Santa Cruz, California.
Green heron swimming in a pond filled with some kind of green algae. Natural Bridges State Beach in Santa Cruz, California. © Randy Runtsch.
Eloise Butler Wildflower and Bird Sanctuary in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
White-lined sphinx moth caterpillar. Eloise Butler Wildflower and Bird Sanctuary in Minneapolis, Minnesota. © Randy Runtsch.

Thanks to Allan Rae and David Montgomery for the opportunity to share images in SNAPSHOTS. It’s as much fun to look at the photos of others as it is to publish them here.

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Randy Runtsch

Writer | Photographer | Outdoor Lover | Adventure Cyclist | Business Owner | Data Analyst | Software Developer