Photo by Author

Guess Whose at Fault — Hint, it’s Not Me

6-Word Photo Story Summer Challenge

Karen Schwartz
Published in
2 min readJul 19, 2021


Lady, get off your cell phone.

I was having an extraordinary day. My oldest daughter was getting married, and a bunch of us were throwing her a shower. I was in charge of bringing the quiche.

I had woken up early and was on my way back from grocery shopping with the necessary ingredients when I approached my underground garage and heard a disturbing noise.

I couldn’t see her at first, but I heard her revving her engine. I stopped a ways back to assess the situation as she came barrelling up the ramp. The next thing I knew, she plowed into me with rapid speed, spun me and my smoky gray Toyota, and then plowed into me again.

Despite throwing a wrench into my plans and causing me auto hardships for weeks to come, it was hard to be mad at her. She was my co-op neighbour, my husband’s laundry buddy, and an overall really nice woman.

After admitting to me she had been talking on her cell phone, she mentioned she confused the gas pedal for the brake. She took full ownership at the reporting center, and insurance paid entirely for the repairs without any penalty to me.

I had good reason to lose my temper, but it wouldn’t have done anyone any good…



Karen Schwartz

Children's picture book author, fiction writer, personal essayist, kindness specialist, and lover of chocolate.