“Hummingbird” © J. Dean

Hummingbird Restaurant

Three salvia plants attract a steady stream of acrobatic diners

John Dean
Published in
3 min readJul 15, 2021


Ernst Friedrich Schumacher, a German-born British economist is credited with the concept of “Small is Beautiful.” He wrote a book with that title. It’s not about hummingbirds, but it should be. Although hummingbirds are among the smallest of birds, they are also among the most beautiful.

Each year, we carefully plant salvia in the garden right outside our screen porch. By mid-June, just after the first blossoms appear, so do the hummingbirds. Usually one at a time, but, occasionally two feast together.

“Salvia” © J. Dean

I confess to knowing nothing about salvia for many years. Growing up, my mother would occasionally buy one of those plastic hummingbird feeders and fill it with nectar. I wasn’t aware there was a plant that worked better. On reflection, I realize somehow I forgot to wonder how hummingbirds ate before Walmart started selling feeders.

“Hummingbird Lunch” © J. Dean



John Dean

Writing on politics, photography, nature, the environment, dogs, and, occasionally, humor. Editor of Dean’s List.