Our accommodation and transport. © Ron Smit

Intrusions into Damaraland

Ronald Smit


Experiencing the sun and the sky and the rocks below

We were traveling through Namibia during early 2019, part of a long trip that I will describe elsewhere on Medium, later. This particular stop, however, was a highlight and serves special mention. As a geologist, I was attracted by the raw beauty of the rounded granite boulders, weathered down from age-old intrusions. We settled into lovely Madisa Camp, where we enjoyed the sunset and my wife even let me indulge in a bit of geological exploring.

This rock has suffered… sweating out pegmatite veins (those tracks with the larger crystals) and subsequent jointing and fracturing. © Ron Smit

To those of you who might think of rocks as inanimate, dead objects, apologies. I included that image to show that they do tell us a story about the development of this planet that we inhabit.

Some nimble wildlife darting over the rocks — my wife can never resist a bit of clambering. © Ron Smit

The area might seem barren and dry, but there is life. Not only humans like us, but also animals like the desert-adapted elephant. We saw them that evening, first slurping from a concrete water dam and afterward, walking silently through the camp and disappearing into the darkness as though they’d never been there.

Evidence of peaceful coexistence: our own footprints on top of an elephant footprint, right within the campsite. © Ron Smit
All the comforts of home, “en-suite” to our tent. © Ron Smit

If you ever plan on passing through northern Namibia one day, do not miss out on visiting this magical place!

Looking down on the central area of the camp, late afternoon. © Ron Smit



Ronald Smit

Husband, father, geologist, consultant. I love travelling and learning, sharing feelings about all that, sometimes funny, always positive.