Lazarus Hibiscus

Published in
2 min readSep 9, 2018


All Photos by Dennett

An unusually long cold spell in January left many of my plants dead or barely clinging to life. By spring, the tall, full, gorgeous hibiscus in my front garden was nothing but brown, dry branches. I cut it back to the ground, leaving the roots with what seemed to be a hopeless wish that the bush would return.

It did. Slowly, very slowly. First a small brown twig peeking at me above the earth. Then, another and another. Green leaves appeared after a couple of months.

But, no flowers.

Until now.

I call my hibiscus Lazarus because he/she surely rose for the dead.

The photo above is the first blossom to appear and the only one for several days. Now the bush is covered in flowers and buds. Last year at this time the top of the bush brushed my forehead, now it falls short of my waist. But, that’s okay. It’s back and that’s all that matters!




I was always a writer but lived in a bookkeeper’s body before I found Medium and broke free — well, almost. Working to work less and write more.