Graffiti art at Wedge Brewing Company — Asheville, NC


Elizabeth Helmich
Published in
2 min readApr 2, 2018


graffiti art series — part two

After years of being the barrier
between now and then,
she broke.

To see past the granite of her existence
she had to fall apart.
To comprehend destruction and rumble
she became the pulse, pushing against the brandings
where they attempted to make
her less.

Dwelling on all of the times
and ways they tried to make her small,
she carved herself into a refusal
to believe what they said
were her depths.

Instead, she chiseled
her way through borders of blacks & whites,
and that’s where she found herself,
buried in the wreckage of what’s known.

She wanted nothing more than to be unknown.

A clover, discovered along the long,
stolid stretch of highway.
A sunbeam, forcing its way
through stubborn clouds where luck
was strewn across mile marker 229.

Nothing is more beautiful
than truth
in that which is

Reaching past her station, she dug
her guts out of the silica.
Clawless, and having lost all boundaries
she stared down earth until it relented.

Hustling tracks to spread
her radius,
stone by stone
to every destination.

You can find part one of this series here:



Elizabeth Helmich

Holes and a series of rabbits — my debut poetry collection — now available!