01/09/2021 © Venkataraman M

Light in the Dark of Night

A haiku and a response

Published in
1 min readSep 3, 2021


Street light cuts past rain.
Splayed over long dark bridges,
Luminous drizzle.

© Venkataraman Mahalingam

A bridge near home connects a busy and lit road with my quiet neighbourhood. From the end of the busy and buzzing side, a lamp shines almost all the way here.

Prying myself away from work, I had set out a few hours later than the brisk evening walk I preferred. But when it starts to drizzles, time does not matter does it?

This haiku and photograph is in response to a tag by Shruthi Sundaram. Thank you, I am happy that this is my first submission to Snapshots.

Aaditya Rajagopalan, I look forward to your contribution as well!

Thank you Dennett, Allan Rae (alto), Sherry Kappel and David Montgomery for the platform.

Thank you, readers for your valuable time with my work.



I write to spark ideas, experiences and narratives floating about—Passionate about a good story, a fun plan & a fresh perspective—RE Bullet 500 is what I ride