Like a River

Elizabeth Helmich


I went wishing
for the depth of a single breath,

but my inhalations were too shallow

to hold it in, and my expiration
far too forced.

Air may flow through us like a river
in that it has a natural rhythm & flow,

but do not try to tame it.

As river bends for rock, so too
must we yield to life itself —

take only as needed, give with no expectation.

The depth comes
when we least expect…

when efforts

when the last drop

when the pottery of your skin

to first inclinations.

Peace is found where we rest,
waiting against the soft bow of lips

she sighs, like a river.

In response to the selfie challenge by Alto for Snapshots:



Elizabeth Helmich

Holes and a series of rabbits — my debut poetry collection — now available!