Foggy January Park Trees. Photo by Louise Peacock

Looking at Landscapes Through the Mist

A few of my favorite shots

Louise Peacock
Published in
2 min readFeb 6, 2022


As soon as Dennett published the Foggy Photos Challenge, I thought “YES!!!!”. I absolutely love foggy or misty situations for photography.

Foggy morning rush hour begins. Photo by Louise Peacock

Above, the busy 4-lane road near our home has just begun to show signs of the morning rush hour. The rolling fog seemed to deaden the traffic sounds.

Frigid January sunrise through the fog makes the park look spooky. Photo by Louise Peacock
The thick fog rolls along around us as we walk. Photo by Louise Peacock
Traces of snow in the background through the fog reveals the soccer area. Photo by Louise Peacock

There will be no soccer today!

Early morning mist along the shores of Lake Ontario. Photo by Louise Peacock

Above, one of our favorite early morning dog walks was in the Lakeside Park.

Cold, hard, foggy sunrise over our park. Photo by Louise Peacock

In the above shot, I love how the sun glares coldly down through the mist.

Following the photographer through the misty park. Photo by Louise Peacock (Photo of Bruce Walkers’ back reproduced with his permission)

The Tessa, the dog, and I follow along behind Bruce.

Into the fog march the saplings in our park. Photo by Louise Peacock

The city decided to plant a row of Maple saplings along a path in our park. I love how they seem to be marching resolutely down the hill.

This misty landscape reminds me of a J.M.W. Turner painting. Photo by Louise Peacock

What a lovely opportunity to revisit some of my favorite through-the-mist photos. Thanks to Dennett and pockett dessert.



Louise Peacock

Louise Peacock is a writer, garden designer, Reiki practitioner, singer-songwriter & animal activist. Favorite insult “Eat cake & choke” On Medium since 2016.